(By Kevin Ciepiel and Other Various Christian Writers)

God of NOW

 I am the God of your now, so how can you be full of anxiety?  We share the same space, we breathe the same... (more)

Do What You Know to Do

By: Kevin Ciepiel
Leonardo Da Vinci was one of history's famous procrastinators.  He never finished a ....(more)

It is Time to Take Out the Trash

By: Kevin Ciepiel
Have you accumulated a lot of stuff over the years?  Some of it you really wanted and bought ....(more)

Follow the Leader

Leadership is, "how a leader influences others to accomplish the.... (more)

The 7 Places Jesus Shed His Blood

By Jane Shelton
The blood of Jesus is much more powerful than many of us recognize. It is the source .....(more)

If you have any questions about any material written, or requests for future articles dealing with a certain subject matter, please feel free to contact me directly!  

In Christ,
Kevin Ciepiel